Staying Connected | Epsom College

The OE Community is thriving, and with regular events, magazines and social functions, it’s easy to stay connected and up-to-date with former classmates. 

OEs Connected is the Club’s network, through which former pupils can find friends and post messages, as well as seek and offer careers advice. Keeping your details up-to-date means you won’t miss out.

OEs Connected

Accessing Your Record

Click the button below to access your details. Please note that the area is password protected. If you need to register, or have forgotten your details, please get in touch or use the form below. Once you have registered you can update the password to one that is personal to you and easy to remember.

Log On To OEs Connected

Let Others See Your Details

You choose the information you are willing to disclose and what you would prefer to keep private. Disclosed information can only be viewed by others who have password-protected access to OEs Connected, including OEs and current or former members of Common Room.

Undisclosed information can only be viewed by members of staff in the OE Club and Development Office. Please note, decisions about information disclosure can be made verbally or through written communication.

Careers & Mentoring

If you are willing to mentor a recent leaver by telephone, email or in person, please go to the ‘Mentoring’ section in your record, give details of how you can help and tick the ‘available’ box.

Sharing News

If you have news you wish to share with the wider OE community, please let us know so that we can include it online and in our range of publications and email newsletters.

Your Views Are Welcome

We welcome feedback on all aspects of the OE Club and the Development Office programme, as well as fresh ideas for the future. If you have any comments or suggestions, please get in touch.

Register Your Details

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Your name*
Your Address
Do if you wish to receive your OEs Connected username and password?

OE Magazine

The OE Magazine comprises feature articles written by OEs about their time at the College, their careers, adventures or a recently attended event. It also includes an update from the Head, other College and OE news, an overview from the Archive, obituaries, and details of past/forthcoming events.

To request a copy of the 2023/2024 issue of the OE Magazine, please email

Social Media

Stay connected with us on social media to read the latest news.