Safe Drive Stay Alive, Surrey, is a series of educational performances featuring a films and speakers, which aim to make young people aware of their responsibilities as drivers, and passengers, whilst travelling, and to positively influence their attitudes and behaviour on the road.
These emotional, engaging and thought provoking performances feature people recounting their stories and the many serious, long-term impacts to themselves and all those around them.
Each new film features a true story, told by the people directly affected by a road traffic collision. After each film an individual from the emergency services takes to the stage – a police officer, a paramedic, a firefighter and an A&E doctor or nurse – to speak about their experiences of attending road traffic collisions or treating patients, and how these have affected them professionally and personally.
The raised awareness continues, with volunteer members of the public – mothers, fathers, siblings, young drivers – taking to the stage to give their personal stories about how their lives have been affected by a fatal road traffic collision.
Real stories of life, tragic loss and regret create emotional engagement and impress upon the audience that their future really is in their hands.
Nick Russell, Assistant Head: Sixth Form, said: “All the Upper Sixth were extremely attentive throughout the screening. In feedback discussions with tutors on Thursday morning the film was universally acclaimed. It is evident that the responsibility that comes with driving was forcefully impressed upon the students. The College is grateful to the Surrey Fire Service for providing an excellent programme that has undoubtedly reduced the number of fatalities and life-changing injuries on the roads of Surrey.”