PETER LOUSADA Propert 1950-55 | Epsom College
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PETER LOUSADA Propert 1950-55

A leading light in the soft drinks industry who loved golf and fishing

By his son, Toby

Peter enjoyed his school years, telling his children and grandchildren stories about his illustrious exploits on the rugby pitch and in athletics – javelin and discus were his forte. He also claimed some academic prowess, although his three French O levels (O level passes for O, A and S level exams) perhaps undermine that position!

After school he did his National Service as an RAF pilot, mostly in Canada, where he flew Harvard Trainers and the Silver Star Jet trainer. He also held the Canadian Open Discus title, if only briefly.

He chose not to go to university, joining Bristol Myers in sales and marketing. He met and married Jane in 1962, settling close to his parents and four brothers in Bow Brickhill where they lived for over 60 years. Although he travelled extensively throughout his career, his first posting was to Tehran in 1966, where he took the family (by now three children) for two years. Later, he looked after territories from Russia to Africa and eventually had a global board role for Cadbury Schweppes.

The soft drinks industry was where Peter found his niche, running Canada Dry for many years. He was elected President of the European Soft Drinks Federation and practised his still pretty poor French, which by now he added to with a smattering of German and Italian.

Throughout his life he maintained a healthy interest in sports, playing club rugby into his 30s, then tennis and golf, with great enthusiasm. One of the first 100 members of Woburn Golf Club when it opened in 1976, he captained the Club in 1979/80. Golf provided one of the many sets of friends that in retirement took him all over the world. He was also a keen fisherman; trout on the Kennet and salmon wherever he could, but most often on the Laxford river in Sutherland. In retirement he was made a Deputy Lord Lieutenant for Bedfordshire (as his father, Roch, and his brother, Charles, had been). He also worked with St John Ambulance in the county and other local groups.

Peter was known for his great sense of fun, sense of humour, hard work and wine collection. He had fond memories of the College and was a keen supporter of the OE Club. His death on 12 June 2023 was followed the very next day by the death of his wife of over 60 years which, while shocking for those left behind, was entirely in keeping for the two of them. They leave behind three children (Toby, Sarah and James), six grandchildren and a wealth of stories and fond memories for their friends and family.