Old Epsomians and Parents Join Sixth Formers for Networking Event | Epsom College
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Old Epsomians and Parents Join Sixth Formers for Networking Event

On a beautiful, balmy summer evening, Lower Sixth students were given a taste of their future at a brilliant networking night

This annual event seeks to provide our students with an introduction to the valuable, often challenging yet always rewarding skill of networking. Regardless of what path the students follow once they leave Epsom, the ability to speak with confidence to peers and superiors in a range of industries, sectors and settings will stand them in good stead.

Six Panellists

The evening began with six panellists taking questions from Nick Russell; collectively, the team of Ashley Head, Sian Jarvis, Troy Warfield, Emma McLennan-Fordyce, Ian Maheswaran and Rahul Chopra gave lots of careful, considered advice about how best to navigate the modern world of work.

Though they represented diverse fields – from hedge funds to medicine, to marketing, to recruitment – there was much agreement. The importance of integrity of character was repeatedly stressed: the need to be honest, reliable, industrious, humble and willing to learn. Another theme was the dynamic unpredictability of the modern world, and the need for young people to be agile, adaptable and open to new, previously unconsidered, pathways. Perhaps above all, the Lower Sixth were encouraged to make the most of the rich network they already possess through being pupils at the College.

The Pupils Mingled with Dozens of Old Epsomians and Parents

In the second half of the evening, the pupils mingled with dozens of Old Epsomians and parents who had kindly volunteered to devote their time to making the evening such a success. As the sun slowly set over the College grounds, the marquee positively hummed with the buzz and laughter of countless conversations. The pupils had been given some training by Nick Russell beforehand and many reported that this was most helpful.

Indeed, in a subsequent survey, 98% of students said the night had given them more confidence and had made them think more carefully about their future with one declaring ‘Really enjoyed it!! Thank you!’

‘Really enjoyed it!! Thank you!’