Literary Characters Come to Life at World Book Day Celebration | Epsom College
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Literary Characters Come to Life at World Book Day Celebration

World Book Day was celebrated in style at Epsom College this year

World Book Day was filled with excitement, creativity, and a shared love of reading among both staff and students. The highlight was the Literary Character Hunt, in which Lower School pupils hunted for staff dressed as famous literary characters. From Harry Potter classics to the giant beetle from The Metamorphosis, there was an epic range of characters brought to life by Epsom teachers.

In addition, staff shared their favourite books with each of their classes, sparking engaging discussions and inspiring pupils to explore new genres and authors. The Library also gave pupils the opportunity to enjoy a new lounge area; this cozy space was taken up by many throughout the day. Lastly, we received a number of thoughtful reviews from pupils of their favourite novels, showcasing their enthusiasm for reading and their ability to critically engage with literature.

Overall, World Book Day 2025 was yet another resounding success for Epsom College, and we are grateful for the enthusiasm and participation of our entire school community. We look forward to many more literary adventures together!