Guess My Career & Building the Future - A Week of Creativity and Insight | Epsom College
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Guess My Career & Building the Future – A Week of Creativity and Insight

This week, our Year 7 pupils enjoyed two exciting careers events, helping them to think about possible future careers

Guess My Career

We welcomed three Epsom parents into Year 7, to take part in the second of our assemblies named ‘Guess my Career’.

Pupils were told the professions of the parents and had to work out who did what. After answering selected questions from different pupils, the whole year group had to vote by standing up when they thought Dr Mark Farmer, Head of Third Form, had announced the right combination of parent and career. 

The whole year group rose in unison when Dr Farmer announced the winning combination of Nolla Sleiman, Commercial Director; Kumar Kunasingam, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon; and Anne-Noreen, Global Media Director. 

Our thanks go to Nolla Sleiman,  Kumar Kunasingam, Anne-Noreen (this week), and Georgina Cadieu, Jeroen Lemmens and Karina Cooke (last week) for their enthusiastic contributions to these fun assemblies. 


Building the Sustainable Town of the Future

As part of a workshop, our pupils were challenged to think about how to build a sustainable town by designing a place with a key employer, housing and entertainment areas together with leisure facilities which worked harmoniously with the environment. 

Taking inspiration from the new city under construction in Saudi Arabia called The Line, pupils produced designs which employed solar, wind and tidal technologies to harness natural energy. 

Judges were impressed by the scale of the pupils’ imagination and creativity, detailed maps and plans as well as the cheerful jingles the pupils produced. Team Embrace took first place and won the chance to present at the national championships in the summer. 

The session was fun and gave the pupils an insight into town planning and sustainability, one pupil said, “I loved how different presentations were unique in their own way and everyone had good ideas. It was great fun”.