GCSE Pupils Enjoy Record-Equalling Year | Epsom College
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GCSE Pupils Enjoy Record-Equalling Year

Epsom’s GCSE pupils – part of what has been dubbed the class of Covid – have posted a record-equalling set of results.

  • 63.2% of grades were 8-9
  • 82.3% were 7-9
  • Over a third (34%) of all exams were graded 9

This matches last year’s results – which themselves were a record for the College. The national average for 7-9s is 22.6%, with results across England, Wales and Northern Ireland falling for the third consecutive year.

Rebecca Brown, Epsom’s Deputy Head: Academic, said: “Our GCSE pupils should be very proud of what they have achieved. These are the children whose start to secondary education was blighted by Covid and remote learning. Despite this, through hard work and dedication, they have matched the College’s record outcomes of 2023. Over a third of all exams were graded 9, and almost half of our pupils earned the top grades of 8-9 in all their subjects. With such a strong foundation, we are excited to see what this cohort will go on to achieve at A-level and beyond.”