Epsom Rotary French Speaking Competition | Epsom College
  • Modern Languages

Epsom Rotary French Speaking Competition

Tuesday 11 February saw the Epsom Rotary French Speaking Junior and Senior Competitions take place at Blenheim High School. This speaking competition is offered to all Epsom schools, and five Epsom College candidates attended, with Ms Hasan, Head of Modern Languages.

Our Junior candidates from Epsom College – Juliette Cox (Hu), Lucas Degeorges (Hu), and Harry Hamlyn (Wa) – practised their poems and read them with sensitivity, excellent accent and poise, making our French department proud. This year they were beaten by candidates from Rosebery and Blenheim, but they will return next year!

As for the Intermediate candidates, Lucy Picken (Wh) spoke spontaneously and eloquently about her family and multicultural heritage, whilst Luka Woods (Fa) gave his mature opinion on the challenging topic of the demonstrations in Hong Kong. Both made a great impression on the judges even though they too were beaten by other schools’ pupils on this occasion.

Well done to all for representing the school in the wider community.

By Mrs Céline Winmill