Each section so far has been propelled into the discovery of multiple casualties at the base of the climbing wall, and they have needed to work together within the section to apply first aid, and then safely extract the casualties to the helicopter landing site. Helpfully, the College’s location in relation to the helicopter flight path over Epsom Downs provided the sound and lights of actual helicopters flying past, at just the right moment each week!
Four sections have successfully completed the scenario so far, with the final two working through it next week. The scores at the end of the process will contribute to the Inter-Platoon competition.
The task proved very exciting to watch, and the cadets have been put through their paces by having to manage an emergency scenario with multiple components and sources of information to process, and under time pressure. It has been a pleasure to see the teams pull together, and consider what different tasks, and in turn roles, are needed to provide a successful outcome.
A further highlight is that this has marked a practical application of the various skills that they have been working on this term as part of their 2* syllabus, which has included first aid, communications and fieldcraft skills. Being required to apply the skills from what are otherwise discrete ‘units’ of learning, in a simultaneous fashion, gives them a superb challenge and brings the skills into focus with practical relevance.
My thanks go to Capt Lewsey and Lt Bates for having developed the concept and brought it to such spectacular life!