A Local Reunion | Epsom College
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A Local Reunion

Leavers of 1994 Got Together in the Newly Refurbished 'Tattenham Corner' Pub

It was great to see our OEs at an informal reunion meet up on Saturday 1st February. 

With great thanks to Toby Raincock (Crawfurd 1989-94), Louise Skinner (née Bourne) (White House 1992-94) and Charlotte Lee (née Bridge) for organising such a great evening. Everyone was in high spirits to match the buzz of The Tattenham Corner pub which was at full capacity! 

The OE Club are hosting the 30 Year Reunion party at the College on Saturday 10th May and we are excited to see everyone again there. 

Please email oeclub@epsomcollege.org.uk to book your ticket now!