A Fun-Filled Kickoff to the School Year for Boarders | Epsom College
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A Fun-Filled Kickoff to the School Year for Boarders

Our boarders enjoyed a great end to their first week at the College

The start of term is when our boarding pupils, old and new, get back into College life. Whether reacquainting with familiar faces, or taking the opportunity to meet new friends, the College puts on a variety of activities and entertainment to help pupils get into full swing.

As with all teenagers, first thoughts were about snacks and provisions. Therefore a College minibus was commandeered, and pupils headed to Sainsbury’s to stock up on multipacks of Coke Zero and ‘proper’ noodles. 

Later that evening, pupils took to the Mermaid to enjoy an evening of bingo. Mr Russell and his wife Lizzie became professional bingo callers and led everyone through the game expertly, with lots of chocolate prizes to be won. Further food, drinks and ice cream were dished out to all by our Catering Team.

A great start to the year for our boarding community, with our new members feeling at home in our global community.