We thoroughly enjoyed hosting a celebratory evening at the College for our OEs to return, reunite and reconnect after 20 years.
The convivial event, with a subtle nod to the noughties, was great fun. A drinks reception and buffet were served in the Mermaid building. The evening was met with real positivity, as OEs, along with current and former teaching staff, reminisced about their time at the College.
We would like to thank everyone who took the time out of their busy weekends to attend and support the College. Especially those who had travelled some distance! It really strengthens the bond of the OE community which is much appreciated.
The OE Club hosts regular reunions, so please get in touch to find out dates for your relevant year.
Our next reunion will be celebrating 40 years and will take place on the 14th September. If you are a College leaver between the years of 84-86 please do get in touch via oeclub@epsomcollege.org.uk to reserve your place.
We look forward to seeing everyone again soon!