Raven | Epsom College

Raven House, founded in 1999, is named after Dame Kathleen Raven, an influential figure in the world of medicine and nursing and chairman of the College’s Council for many years. As a close friend of Dame Raven, who died in April 1999, Michael Portillo officially opened the House in October 1999.

The girls’ day house is located at the very heart of the teaching area of the College campus and occupies the building that formerly belonged to Crawfurd House. This makes it a great location for getting to and from lessons quickly.

Rhiannon Johnson, Housemistress

I have been Housemistress of Raven since September 2023, having joined Epsom in September 2017 as Director of Drama. Prior to that, I was Acting Director of Drama and a Boarding House Tutor at Haileybury Imperial College. I have a strong affinity with Raven having been a tutor and Deputy Housemistress for five years and I am excited to continue to support and encourage the pupils in all their endeavours. Raven House is a welcoming hub of eclectic tastes, talents, and most importantly, humour. 

I gained a BA Hons in Drama from Aberystwyth University, and obtained a Master of Arts in Writing, Directing and Performance from  the University of York. I also achieved Qualified Teacher Status from Canterbury University.  

Outside (and sometimes inside!) of the College I enjoy being the front woman for various function bands; I can always be heard singing a tune! I live with my boyfriend, Alex, and our two dogs Rigsby and Gus (who love visiting the girls in the House!) – in the holidays we enjoy hiking all over the UK with them.

Gina Frost, Matron

I have worked at Epsom since 2009 having previously spent the first twenty years of my career in banking. I am married to Ray and we have a daughter Macey who is currently completing her Masters at UCL.

I have been the Matron in Raven since 2013 and love being part of the Raven family. I especially enjoy our house events from the soirée and pumpkin carving, to making gingerbread houses and decorations at Christmas. The annual choral competition and inter-house sporting events bring a real sense of camaraderie to the House.   

Raven has a genuinely warm, cosy and friendly atmosphere, made even more special by the girls who make the House a home and a real haven where they can retreat too. I love seeing them transition from Year 9s into mature and confident young ladies in the Upper Sixth.

I enjoy the outdoors and take daily lunchtime walks around the College grounds with the Wilson Matron. I have a passion for travel and love experiencing new cities, countries and cultures as well as reading and spending time with family and friends.

Alice, Head of House 2024-25

After joining Raven in Middle Fourth (Year 9), my year group rapidly formed a tight-knit bond. It soon became evident that I had joined a really warm and friendly house!

I am studying Mathematics, Psychology and Drama for my A-levels and have recently completed an EPQ. I am hoping to study Social Anthropology at university.

I enjoy lots of activities around school, including performing in all extravaganzas as part of the Epsom College Dance Company. I also love to sing (I am currently preparing for Grade 8 Music Theatre) and thoroughly enjoy taking part in school musicals.

My work as a Peer Mentor involves helping others in Raven and in the Lower School – I really enjoy helping others when they need a boost!

Also, I am a Senior NCO in the Army Section of the CCF. I represent the School in netball and have recently started volleyball.

Raven is such an amazing house to be a part of as it has a welcoming atmosphere and a lovely sense of community!

Contact Details

Rhiannon Johnson

Gina Frost