Crawfurd | Epsom College

Crawfurd has been a girls’ boarding house since 2002. It is named after a former Dean of the Medical Department of King’s College, Sir Raymond Henry Payne Crawfurd, who joined the Council of Epsom College in 1915.

Situated at the southern end of the terrace of what were originally almshouses overlooking the College lawns, the House occupies rooms on three floors in accommodation that elegantly combines the brand new and purpose-built with some of the College’s oldest buildings.

Rachel Lee, Housemistress

I am a new addition to the Crawfurd family, only having joined Epsom in the Spring of 2023. I love the boarding environment and have worked in several boarding schools, in addition to having helped my husband run a boarding house previously. I am delighted to be living and working in Crawfurd with the girls who have made me feel so welcome.

I have been teaching now for nearly twenty years; whilst mostly this has been as a science teacher (teaching all three sciences to GCSE and Biology to A-level) I went back to university in 2016 to do a further postgraduate qualification to delve into how people learn, and to investigate the barriers faced by those with literacy difficulties. Since then I have mostly continued my Biology teaching alongside helping students with their study skills, but at Epsom I am solely based within the academic support department.

I am married to Chris, a Maths teacher and rowing coach, who I initially met through rowing, and have two children, Harry and Charlotte. We all live in Crawfurd, with Haidee the Labrador who is very happy to be back in a boarding house! We love to get into the mountains, whether it be to hike or to ski, but my true happy place is within the water; I love to swim and to scuba dive, am a qualified scuba diving instructor and even worked for a coral reef conservation organisation before I started teaching.

Lucy Nunn, Matron

I have recently started as the Matron in Crawfurd and absolutely love my new role! 

I have previous experience working in boarding schools and am delighted to have joined Epsom College to support the Housemistress of Crawfurd. Prior to joining Epsom I took a career break to raise my two rugby loving boys, one of which is in Year 9 at the College and thriving on the vast sports provision the School has on offer. Prior to having the boys I owned and ran a successful catering business.

But my favourite role to date is being a mum, and I am excited to be able to show my caring and compassionate side to all the girls in Crawfurd and to ensure we provide a welcoming and warm environment to all those that join our boarding community. 

Kalina, Head of House 2024-25

When I joined Crawfurd in Year 10 as an international student from Bulgaria, the supportive and empathetic nature of the House was apparent. This inclusive boarding experience has been a great highlight of my time at Epsom and I would recommend it to anybody who is considering it. 

I study Economics, Physics, Maths and Further Maths at A-level, whilst also exploring my wide range of interests at Epsom. As an Academic Scholar, I hold a leading role in the Economics Society and actively participate in Academic Enrichment. I am an Ambassador for our DofE programme and a Peer Mentor, which have both encouraged me to form meaningful connections with lower year groups. It has also been an honour representing the College in netball and athletics, and I look forward to continuing this in the Upper Sixth.

With the many upcoming house events, I am sure that all new members of the House will harmoniously settle into Crawfurd. As I finish my time at Epsom, I hope to continue building the compassion within Crawfurd and extend it to the outermost edges of the College.

Contact Details

Rachel Lee

Lucy Nunn