Carr | Epsom College

Originally opened in 1883, Carr is named after one of the original supporters and benefactors of the College, Dr William Carr. It is one of four boys’ day houses, and is situated on the first floor of the main building – truly at the heart of the College.

Read below to find out more about the Housemaster, Matron and the current Head of House, and view a gallery of images.

Rob Young, Housemaster

I have lived and worked at Epsom College since 2006 and have been a teacher of Economics and Business, a coach of rugby, football, hockey and cricket at all levels, a boarding Housemaster, a Head of Year in the Lower School, a link teacher for Young Enterprise and introduced Business BTEC and the CISI award to the College.

I believe wholeheartedly in the breadth of an education and I encourage all the Carr boys to engage fully with the rich opportunities presented to them at the College whether their passion is found in Music, Drama, Science, languages or sport.

I am married to Rebecca, who has enjoyed a varied career, having previously been employed here at the College as both a sports coach and academic tutor. She now works for the NHS as an operations service manager for Sutton Heath and Care at St Helier hospital. Rebecca previously took an active role in the boarding house and very much enjoys supporting the boys in Carr with their endeavours. We have two children; Rafe, who is a pupil at Epsom and has a passion for cricket, and Alexander, who attends a local prep school, loves football and, unfortunately, is a huge Chelsea fan.

Niki Navamani, Matron

I have been Carr Matron since 2019 and I love it! Carr has a very positive atmosphere where everyone respects and supports each other. It is a warm, friendly and welcoming house where the boys are encouraged to be the best they can be, in whatever they do. Our housemaster, tutors and domestic staff are a great team and are all here to teach, steer, guide, and care for our brilliant boys.

I spent my early career as a Registered General Nurse at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, and then went back to university where I completed a Law degree and postgraduate diploma. After a number of years as a solicitor, I returned to healthcare while my children were young. Being Matron at Epsom College has brought me back to my caring and pastoral roots and has probably been the most rewarding role I have ever had. As well as being a mum, in my spare time I enjoy gardening and painting. I also have a keen interest in genealogy and have successfully traced many relatives.

Nikolas, Head of House 2024-25

My name is Nik, and I am Head of House for Carr. I have been at the College since Year 7, and am currently studying Politics, English, Religious Studies, and Greek for A-level. I’m aspiring to study Theology and Philosophy at Cambridge University. 

Outside the classroom, I represent the College in many sports fixtures and societies. 

As Head of House, I aim to create a friendly and positive environment within the College and in Carr. I will try my best to exemplify Carr’s core values such as compassion and inclusivity, and to make Carr a house which is noticeable for its ambition both in academics and in sport and co-curricular activities. 

I am delighted to be appointed Head of House for Carr and am very much looking forward to next year. 

Contact Details

Rob Young

Niki Navamani