Scholarships | Epsom College

Scholarships are our way of recognising and rewarding those pupils who demonstrate particular promise in academic study, Drama, Music or Sport. 

Throughout Epsom’s history, our scholars have contributed much to the life of the School, and brought their talents and aptitude to bear on the wider world.

Applying for a Scholarship

Each year, we offer scholarships to pupils who demonstrate outstanding ability in their chosen field. Scholarships are offered at 11+, 13+ and 16+.  

Once you have registered your child, scholarship application forms will be sent in advance of the assessment dates below. 

11+ (Year 7) assessments

  • January of Year 6

13+ (Year 9) assessments

  • February-March of Year 8.

16+ (Sixth Form) assessments

  • November of Year 11.

Reward & Responsiblity

Receiving an award carries a level of prestige but also a degree of expectation. Scholars will be expected to act as role models in their fields of interest, and – as they move into their senior years – to begin to deliver on their potential by taking on positions of leadership.

We have developed a programme of extension activities and opportunities appropriate to particular areas of talent. Music and Drama scholars, for example, attend regular masterclasses with visiting professionals, as well as perform in termly scholars’ recitals and College productions.

Our Sports scholars access a dedicated ‘Talented and Gifted’ programme, with specialist coaching and partnerships with professional clubs. 

The Scholarships We Offer



