Term starts
New pupils: All new pupils to the Senior School (this includes all pupils joining the Middle Fourth from the Lower School) should have been contacted by their Housemaster/Housemistress, who will have informed them of when they are due to arrive at school on Sunday, 1 September.
Third Form pupils will have been contacted separately by the Head of Lower School.
Lower Fourth, Upper Fourth and Fifth Form pupils:
All boarders should be in school by 7pm on Monday, 2 September.
All day pupils should be in school for morning registration at 8.20am on Tuesday 3 September.
- Lower Sixth pupils: New pupils arrive as per Housemaster/Housemistress instruction. All returning pupils (last year’s Fifth Form) should be in school by 1pm on Monday 2 September. NB: Houses will be open in the morning to receive pupils and/or their belongings.
- Upper Sixth pupils: All members of the Upper Sixth should return by arrangement with their Housemaster/Housemistress on Monday 2 September, unless required by their HMM to assist with new pupils on Sunday 1 September, about which they will have been contacted separately.
If any pupil is unsure of their scheduled return to school they should contact their Housemaster/Housemistress directly.
Exeat Weekend
- Friday 27 September, 4pm: Exeat begins
- Sunday 29 September, 9pm: Exeat ends
Half Term
- Friday 18 October, 4pm: Half Term begins
- Sunday 3 November, 9pm: Half Term ends
Exeat Weekend
- Friday 22 November, 4pm: Exeat begins
- Sunday 24 November, 9pm: Exeat ends
End of Term Arrangements
- Friday 13 December, 1pm: Term ends