Our Governors | Epsom College

Mr Alex Russell OBE

Mr Alex Russell OBE

Mrs Karen Thomas

Mrs Karen Thomas

Mrs Seema Bains

Mrs Seema Bains

Mrs Sarah Blaney

Mrs Sarah Blaney

Mr John Bowerman

Mr John Bowerman

Mrs Tania Botting

Mrs Tania Botting

Dr Sundeep Dhillon MBE


Mrs Vivianne Gordon-Pullar

Mrs Vivianne Gordon-Pullar

Mr John Hay

Mr John Hay

Mrs Alexandra Haydon

Mrs Alexandra Haydon

Mr Ashley Head

Mr Ashley Head

Mr Dej Mahoney

Mr Dej Mahoney

Mr Julian Mount

Mr Julian Mount

Mr Anish Patel

Mr Anish Patel

Mr George Pincus MBE

Mr George Pincus MBE

Mrs Nicky Sinker

Mrs Nicky Sinker

Mr Alex Vartevanian

Treasurer of Epsom College
Mr Alex Vartevanian

Ms Sarah Whyatt

Ms Sarah Whyatt

Organisation and management

The Board of Governors generally meet three times a year for routine matters and also for one full day together to discuss the Governors’ and Head’s vision for the College. This provides an opportunity for the Board to focus on particular areas to consider, develop and monitor the College’s strategic direction.

There are, in addition, four permanent sub-committees comprised of Governors and the Senior Leadership Team, that meet at least once a term:

  • Safeguarding and Pastoral
  • Education
  • Finance and Infrastructure
  • Enterprises, Charity, Commercial and Overseas


New Governors are inducted into the workings of the College, both as a company and as a charity, by being invited to attend all of the sub-committee meetings as observers in their first year of appointment. In addition, they are provided with guidance from the Charity Commission, AGBIS (Association of Governing Bodies of Independent Schools) and ISC (Independent Schools Council). They are also provided with relevant updates and given the opportunity to attend relevant training courses throughout the year.

Contacting the Chair of Governors

Anyone wishing to contact the Chair of Governors should do so in writing. Please direct all communication to:

Mr Alex Russell, Chair of the Governors, c/o The Bursar’s Office, Epsom College, College Road, Epsom, Surrey KT17 4JQ.



The proprietor is Epsom College Ltd. Epsom College is a company limited by guarantee and is a subsidiary charity of The Royal Medical Foundation of Epsom College.  The Council of the parent charity, The Royal Medical Foundation of Epsom College (RMF of EC), appoints and removes the Governors of Epsom College and delegates roles and duties for the strategic management and development of the College to the Governors of Epsom College. The Board of Governors reports to the Council of the RMF of EC.

Epsom College Board of Governors, who are also the Charity Trustees and the directors of the charitable company Epsom College, are selected from a wide range of backgrounds, and the aim is to achieve a balanced Board with a core of individuals with educational, legal, risk, accountancy, finance, property management, business, marketing and pastoral backgrounds. All share a genuine commitment to the future of the College. The Chair of Epsom College Board of Governors is Mr Alex Russell OBE.