Welcome to the Lower School | Epsom College

Moving to a new school can be daunting, so we do everything possible to help pupils (and parents!) settle in. Under the guidance of the Head of Lower School, we have put in place a programme dedicated to the social and educational welfare of pupils entering Year 7… or Third Form as we call it.

Our aim is to ensure the first year at Epsom provides a solid foundation for the rest of your child’s time at the College. We will make this year a busy and enriching one, and a successful bridge between junior and senior school.

That starts with making sure that you feel at home with the way we do things here. Each school has its own particular, and sometimes peculiar, way of doing things. Its own customs and expectations, and sometimes even its own language.

We’ve put together this content in the hope that you find it helpful and informative, and that it gives you an idea of what to expect from the College.

Please go through the content on these pages with your child, but if you have questions, all our contact details can be found by clicking on the ‘staying in touch’ button below.

Start of Term – Sunday 31 August

All new pupils and parents will be required to attend the Head’s welcome and Chapel service, followed by light refreshments, on Sunday 31 August, 10.30am until midday. Pupils will then return for the first full day of school on Monday 1 September.


Other important dates for your diary

You will be invited to various events over the course of the Michaelmas Term. We hope these present a positive opportunity to meet other parents and members of the teaching staff. Details of the following events are being arranged, and dates will be published on the School Calendar in due course:

  • Saturday 6 September, 9.30-10.30am: Information Morning, Mermaid Lecture Theatre
  • Lower School Chapel, with refreshments afterward
  • Meet the Tutors
  • Drinks Reception for New Parents – organised by the Friends of Epsom College
  • Parents’ Evening


Teambuilding & Residential Trip

We want your child to settle in well and to that end, we have arranged a Teambuilding Day onsite at the college on Friday 19 September. This will be a super way for the children to get to know each other outside of the classroom or sports field and continue to forge new friendships.

Later in the year, we will be taking the children on a two-night residential to PGL Marchant’s Hill in mid-June. This will be a wonderful opportunity to enjoy some outdoor activities and relax as the summer term draws to a close. Further information will follow in due course from Dr Mark Farmer, Head of Third Form.

Summer Holiday Courses

If you or your child would like to get to know Epsom a little ahead of the start of term, and potentially meet some future classmates, our Holiday Courses could well be the answer.

From mid-July onward we offer a range of courses – cricket, football, tennis, netball and multi-sport courses for boys and girls. We even run a week-long drama course for any budding thespians.

All courses run from 10am until 4pm, with drinks, snacks and lunches provided.

Find out more