This week we wanted to highlight one of our newer activities. Handball was introduced as an activity on Friday afternoons this year and has proved very popular – the group have even had a couple of matches and are lucky enough to be coached by an ex-international player and captain of a National Championship winning team, who also happens to be the College’s Senior Physics Technician – Dash Beqiri!
Let’s find out a bit more from pupils Levi (Year 11) and Paul (Year 9):
Q. What made you choose Handball and how long have you been doing it?
Levi: I chose handball because of my GCSE PE, I’ve taken Handball as my third sport.
Paul: I chose this activity because I enjoyed taking it for PE last term and I wanted to develop my skills in the game.
Q. What do you do each week?
Levi: Each week varies; however, we play lots of games to simulate a real match.
Paul: Each week, we normally start of with a bit of passing in a circle to warm up and then we focus on a particular aspect of the game such as defending for example. Lastly, we usually finish off with a game to try and put our new skills into practice.
Q. What do you enjoy most about it?
Levi: My favourite thing about handball was being involved with the match against Carshalton Boys, however, unfortunately we did lose it!
Paul: My favourite thing about handball is that it has been a really nice way to end the week and it is so fun to play with a few friends.
Q. Why should someone choose to do Handball?
Levi: I think it is a fun activity; you can make many friends in different years and experience something new.
Paul: I recommend this club for anyone who wants to try something new and has some spare time on a Friday. It’s really fun and if you get a few other friends to do it with you as well, you will have a great time.