An Inspirational Evening at the Oxbridge Dinner | Epsom College
  • OEs

An Inspirational Evening at the Oxbridge Dinner

Eleven Lower Sixth potential Oxbridge applicants attended the Old Epsomian Oxbridge dinner at Wolfson College, Oxford. Epsom student, John Gartside, shares his experience.

Following our journey to Oxford, we were warmly welcomed at a drinks reception. As we began to talk to the Old Epsomians (OEs) about their experiences at Oxbridge, our initial nerves dissipated and we all found it incredibly helpful.

Many OEs were also keen to talk about the evolution of Epsom College and their houses. These discussions continued over a three-course dinner, during which we had the opportunity to talk in more detail more to the OEs about their time at Oxbridge, and how it helped shape their careers. In his speech, OE Professor Andrew Neil shared the many similarities between Wolfson and Epsom College, adding a sense of majesty to our beautiful setting.

On behalf of all the students who attended, I would like to thank Ms Hasan and the OE and Development Office for this brilliant opportunity. It was a truly memorable night for all who attended.