William Chislett’s lecture, delivered for the British Spanish Society, focussed on the many challenges Spain faces today. The Epsom College A-level Hispanists attended the talk remotely, joining from the Mermaid Screening Room, and accompanied by plenty of Spanish snacks.
Chislett highlighted several key issues, including the ongoing push for independence in Catalonia, which exacerbates the country’s already polarised and fragmented political landscape.
Spain also grapples with relatively high unemployment rates, over-tourism, and a defective education system. Additionally, the impact of climate change poses significant threats. Chislett emphasised that governing Spain has become increasingly complex due to these intertwined challenges.
His extensive background, covering Spain’s transition to democracy for The Times and authoring numerous books on Spain, provided a rich context for his insights. The lecture underscored the need for comprehensive strategies to address these pressing issues and to ensure Spain’s continued progress.
The talk provided an in-depth understanding of contemporary Spanish society, politics and economics, which are crucial components of the A-level curriculum. By exploring real-world issues, our students enhance their language skills through the context of current events, making their learning more engaging and practical. Additionally, it offers valuable cultural insights, helping students appreciate the complexities of Spain beyond the classroom, which is essential for achieving higher proficiency and a deeper cultural connection.