Launch of the Epsom College Positive Masculinity Programme | Epsom College
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Launch of the Epsom College Positive Masculinity Programme

Positive Masculinity is not just about boys, it is about our whole community. With this in mind, Epsom has launched its own groundbreaking Positive Masculinity programme, working with a company called Voicebox, that is empowering our community to celebrate positive masculinity, combat gender stereotypes, challenge unhealthy masculinity and prioritise mental wellbeing. 

Chris Filbey, Assistant Head: Pupil Welfare, says, “Our society has reached the point where young men and boys are struggling to articulate what is good about being a man. Therefore, at Epsom, we are aiming to be proactive in promoting and fostering positive, healthy masculinity rather than being reactive to issues that arise. Supporting young men and boys to talk about their mental health, helping them when they are struggling, but also promoting positive wellbeing, developing character and thus building resilience, are all essential.”

This is initially for the Year 10 and Lower Sixth and the programme started last term with PSD lectures for all Year 10 and Lower Sixth pupils. This term, the boys are taking part in smaller group workshops and then there will be a student focus group which will take part in six, in-depth sessions. The boys involved in this programme will become champions of Positive Masculinity across the College.

There has been a hugely positive response from all the pupils and they have really enjoyed and responded to the engaging and dynamic workshops that they have been taking part in.