Epsom College | Independent School Of The Year
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Seize the opportunities...
Seize the opportunities...

Welcome to the home of all-round education. Great grades are a given, but your child will learn a whole lot more - about themselves and the world around them - at Epsom College


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Creativity, Art and Culture

We offer all our pupils the benefit of a boarding school routine. That means that every boy and girl has the time to discover their inner artist, musician, performer or designer. Your child will find their creative spark, and we’ll help to keep those fires burning.


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South East England's Top Co-ed School for Sport

Our winning combination of national titles and sport for all earned Epsom the honour of being named “south east England’s top co-ed school for sport”. That’s because we give as much care and attention to our D, E and F teams as we do to our elite athletes. No matter the level, every child benefits from top coaches and excellent facilities, all delivered on our beautiful 72-acre estate.


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The Benefits of Boarding

We’ve offered boarding since 1855 – and a lot’s changed in that time. It’s a traditional model that’s been adapted to suit the needs of the modern family. Longer days, and Saturday lessons, give us  time in the week to provide the outstanding all-round education and sporting excellence that we’re famous for.

And with full boarding, weekly boarding, flexible boarding and day options to choose from, there’s something to suit every child and every family.